The Pedigree of a Horn Hereford Beef Cattle



The origin of the Hereford has been lost over time only it is generally agreed that it was founded on the draught ox descended from the pocket-size scarlet cattle of Roman Briton and from a big Welsh brood one time numerous along the edge of England and Wales. Herefords have taken their proper name from the county Herefordshire, an historic agricultural region of England where this breed has evolved.

The origins of this breed of cattle in the County of Herefordshire accept been mentioned by various agricultural authors as long ago as the early 1600'due south. During the 1700'southward and early on 1800'south documented records of the breed were maintained by various individuals in and around the Herefordshire area.

These early on Hereford breeders moulded their cattle with the thought in mind of a high yield of beef and efficiency of production, and then firmly fixed these characteristics that they remain today as outstanding characteristics of the breed.

Beginning in 1742 with a bull calf from the cow Silver and two cows, Pidgeon and Mottle, inherited from his male parent's manor, Benjamin Tomkins is credited with founding the Hereford breed. This was 18 years before Robert Bakewell began developing his theories of animal breeding. From the starting time, Mr. Tomkins had every bit his goals economy in feeding, natural bent to grow and proceeds from grass and grain, rustling ability, hardiness, early maturity and prolificacy, traits that are even so of principal importance today.

Other pioneering breeders were to follow the Tomkins' lead and plant the world-wide renown for the Herefordshire cattle causing their exportation from England to wherever grass grows and beef production is possible.

Herefords in the 1700's and early 1800'due south in England were much larger than today. Many mature Herefords of those days weighed 3,000 pounds or more. Cotmore, a winning bear witness bull and noteworthy sire, weighed 3,900 pounds when shown in 1839. Gradually, the type and conformation changed to less extreme size and weight to get more smoothness, quality and efficiency.

Herefords were the first English cattle to be recognised equally a truthful breed.


The modernistic Hereford is coloured nighttime red to red-yellow, with a white confront, crest, dewlap, and underline. Herefords with white flanks and white markings beneath the knees and hocks are also common. Most animals have short thick horns that typically curve down at the sides of the head, but there is a polled strain in North America and UK (Polled Hereford).

Mature males may weigh upwards to one,800 pounds, while mature females may counterbalance around 1,200. They are muscular, moderate to long in length of side, acceptable in length of leg, large in size, trim, and smooth. They are also well developed in the regions of valuable cuts - the back, loin, and hind quarters or round.

These cattle are known for their vigor and foraging ability and for their longevity, many females live and produce calves beyond the age of 15 years. Bulls are capable of remaining profitable at stud to the age of 12 or more than. Many breeders keep their elderly cattle until they die of natural causes.

Herefords volition stand up out in the arctic snows of Finland, endure the heat of Northern Transvaal, withstand the tough climate and rough grazing of northern Uruguay or the sub-tropical zones of Brazil and continue to thrive.

Herefords are by and large docile and fast growing cattle with skillful beef quality.


  • Greater weight for age and charge per unit of proceeds either at pasture or on k feeding
  • The power to control summit prices in the markets as finished beefiness or as store cattle
  • A college selling price for breeding stock
  • Greater economy of proceeds in feeding
  • High percentage of calf crops
  • Lower wintering costs
  • Docility and ease of direction
  • Lower labour costs
  • Early maturity and longevity


Tarentaise and Hereford Breed Effects on Cow and Dogie Traits and Estimates of Individual Heterosis

Genetic Components for Milk Production of Tarentaise, Hereford, and Tarentaise x Hereford Cows


More than five million full-blooded Herefords exist in over fifty countries. The export of Herefords began in 1817, spreading across the United States and Canada through Mexico to the great beef-raising countries of Due south America. Today, Herefords dominate the earth scene from the prairies to the pampas and from the Russian steppes to the Due south African veldt.

References (the above information was cited from the post-obit sites)

world wide
world wide

  • Brood Overview
  • Cattle Breeders
  • Societies / Associations
  • Sales / Auctions
  • Shows / Events

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